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About Us

Restaurants Employees from Massachusetts to California deserve a way to save for their own Retirement Fund. & have found a way to do just that.  Every membership for the Chef Club will be donated to your future Retirement Income.  Workers can retire as soon as 20 years or roll the money back in to 40 years. This account is going to be filled by the donation of sales of your Chef Club memberships and novelty items of Restaurant and Chef Design.  These items are for sale to the general public and the Chef Club is for everyone.  If you are a person who works feeding the public you are a restaurant employee and you deserve a retirement pension. All Restaurant Workers deserve a future retirement. And once I sell all my products of cartoon books, newspapers and movies, etc. I will restart the Chef Club website so that everyone can join! My plans will be to create packages with Chef members to promote!

 Retirement   Pensions

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